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  Toshiba Strata CIX 100 Telephone System  

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Small businesses need a flexible telecommunication system that can easily adapt to your changing and growing needs. The Strata CIX100™ is specifically designed to provide the exact telecommunication features your business requires today, and as it grows in the future. That makes the Strata CIX100 the ultimate cost-effective telecommunication solution to give you the investment protection you need.

Toshiba’s expertise makes the Strata CIX100 the optimum solution, whether you need a basic telephone system or advanced capabilities. For example, you can add valuable options like Voice Mail/Auto attendant/Unified Messaging, Automatic Call Distribution, Voice Over Internet Protocol, Strata Net multiple system networking, FeatureFlex™ adaptability/customization tools, and more to improve your business’ overall productivity and customer service.

Strata CIX Family Brochure (PDF)
Strata CIX 100 Spec Sheet (PDF)

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